11 April 2007

Text Messages

Around here text messages are a big thing. It costs less to send one than to call someone so my friends send them to me all the time. Here are a just a couple samples:

I wish to U happy new year..soft as silk..white as milke..sweet as hony full of mony..and all Ur dream com True

If someone can write ur name on the sun by ice...he will be the only one who miss u more than me..happy eid (easter) for you.

I never know if the spelling is like text message code or if they thought that was actually how words are spelled, although I can't judge because I don't even attempt text messages in Arabic. I get at least one of these a week from the most random people, some of whom I don't even know. I like to pass them on to my American friends here b/c some days you just need something to laugh about.

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