My roommate who is in the village called me while I was out there. We talked for a minute before a cow made a really loud mooo and she asked 'what was that?'. When I said 'oh, I'm just standing in the middle of a herd of cows' it seemed like a completely normal thing and we just went on with our conversation...only in the Sandbox!
30 April 2007
Goat Farm
My roommate who is in the village called me while I was out there. We talked for a minute before a cow made a really loud mooo and she asked 'what was that?'. When I said 'oh, I'm just standing in the middle of a herd of cows' it seemed like a completely normal thing and we just went on with our conversation...only in the Sandbox!
Dust Storm of the Century
Guess the carpet really did it's job!
My friend and I walked out on the balcony and she said 'it is so strange that all the power is out except for at your house'. Well, it wasn't out, we just couldn't see the lights on in the hoosh DOWNSTAIRS! My friend left pretty soon after that. Her dad called and told her that she had to come home right away, I guess similar to when my dad would call if I was out and a big tornado storm was coming. (see my email update for more on this part of the story!)
The cutting board that I had JUST washed before the storm and left out to dry.
At that point what are you supposed to do, sit around and pretend like life is normal? I don't have a TV and I couldn't get out my computer with so much dust so I just sat on the couch and tried not to cry. It was that bad and it was everywhere. I had already had a particularly tough day. Instead of crying I figured I'd keep myself busy by doing the dishes again. (the ones we had just done after dinner were caked with dirt) As I was standing over the sink with the window CLOSED I was being pelted in the face with dirt, so hard that it was stinging my face. So I gave up on the dishes and just sat on the couch and got pelted with dirt. It was pretty much just miserable. The kind of time where you don't want to go home to the States but you just really want to be anywhere where you're able to open your eyes without them being filled with dirt. Don't know if any of you have necessarily experienced that before or not.
The picture of a normal dust storm that my roommate had left out on her desk.
27 April 2007
To preface, there are lots of Mercedes and BMWs around but every once in a while you'll see cars that just don't fit, like audis, porsches, etc. So you have the rich and then the richer. But then there's the 'more rich' and those people own American imported cars like Explorers, Suburbans, Yukons and Hummers. I know, it seems a little backwards that these cars that are so regular and everyday to you would be a huge status symbol here but they are. Because of sanctions against this country absolutely nothing can be imported from the States. So all the American cars have to go to some third country and sit for a few months, then they can come from that country to this one. But then the govt here places a 100% tax on them. So the brand new, 2007 Yukon that I saw the other day probably cost at least 300k.
So out on our picture-taking excursion we spotted a suburban in front of an unamed embassy. This being Friday, there aren't really a whole lot of people out and we thought we could get a shot if we just slowed down. So I had the window rolled down and stuck the camera out when I noticed about 10 policeman sitting under this tree...they'd all seen me and had started to stand up. We rolled up the windows and hightailed it outta there. Not like they could chase us or anything b/c police around here don't have cars, but still. I'm sure we made their day. Just imagine what they're thinking...2 foreigners roll up in front of this embassy, slow down and start taking pictures, then head out when they notice security...sounds a little fishy if ya ask me!
The American cars are few and far between around here but every time I see one it brings a smile to my face and it just feels like a little piece of home.
Legal Notices
I took the letters upstairs and later in the afternoon I got together with my foreign neighbors next door and we set out to decipher what the letters said. If you haven't ever attempted to learn Arabic I'll let you in on a little secret. Written Arabic is totally different than spoken Arabic, at least in this country it's like two different languages. So while my neighbors and I can speak just fine, we had absolutely no idea what the papers said and had to break out the dictionaries.
After spending about 15 minutes on one line we realized that we were decoding our address...felt pretty stupid about that. We also figured out that there was a defendant and a plaintiff, only to later realize that the 1 word for defendant is also used to describe the plaintiff if it is followed by a second word. We spent about an hour going through this thing and didn't even get halfway finished. Then we realized that the people upstairs were the defendents and not the plaintiffs and it had nothing to do with us. Good thing too, because I just don't know that I'm up for spending another entire day at the police station.
26 April 2007
**fanta citrus - we've always had several flavors of fanta but fanta citrus is my favorite and we just got it in last week. I could hardly believe it!
**diet pepsi - I don't even drink diet pepsi but there's just something about seeing a truck filled with like a million bottles of something new that can really make your day.
**melted plugs - for about 3 days in a row just about every plug that we had in the house melted. Not quite sure why but the refrigerator did not catch on fire so I'm considering myself blessed.
**digital pictures - there is a place where we can print pictures. It's a little pricey but it's there and I managed to go and do it all in Arabic...even convincing the lady that my pictures looked just fine the way I wanted them and that she did not need to go and mess with the colors.
**boneless chicken - we used to have it in a few stores but I haven't seen any for over 2 months now. Imagine my excitement when the store had one package!!
**I love you - this random guy walked past and said 'I love you'. Not anything unusual but when I ignored him he mumbled 'mafrood tegooli I love you too' meaning 'you're supposed to say I love you too'. I wanted to turn around and say a lot of things but I didn't and instead of getting irritated I laughed at the fact that he mixed his Arabic and English because I do that too.
**Addressing envelopes - you have no idea how liberating that can be until you've lived for a year in a place with no postal system.
**kites - imagine standing in the middle of a camp where over 750,000 people live in mud houses or tarps without electricity or running water. Everywhere you look you see brown until you see this lone brightly colored kite flying above the camp and the 100's of kids standing below it in silence, amazed by something so simple.
These past few weeks haven't been all that exciting or really all that great, but it's amazing how He still allows you to find humor and joy in the little things.
14 April 2007
Some Stats
13 April 2007
April 15th
For all of y'all out there who will spend the next 72 hours in an office, I hope that you make it through Monday and really take advantage of next week when you don't have to do anything but recover!
11 April 2007
Text Messages
I wish to U happy new year..soft as silk..white as milke..sweet as hony full of mony..and all Ur dream com True
If someone can write ur name on the sun by ice...he will be the only one who miss u more than me..happy eid (easter) for you.
I never know if the spelling is like text message code or if they thought that was actually how words are spelled, although I can't judge because I don't even attempt text messages in Arabic. I get at least one of these a week from the most random people, some of whom I don't even know. I like to pass them on to my American friends here b/c some days you just need something to laugh about.
10 April 2007
Little Known Facts
** Braham Lineekal was the celebrator of slavery
** Benhameed Franleen had polio
** Vancouver is a city in the states, along with Ontario
** ALL of our petroleum comes from TX
** ALL of our animal resources come from Chicago
** I must be a republican b/c ONLY Republicans are allowed to live in TX
** and ONLY Democrats are allowed to live in Pennsylvania
** Ban Ki Moon is now an American b/c he is in charge of the UN and, of course, the UN is the same as the US
I learned all of this in a 10 minute amjad ride today. My driver was pretty astounding in his knowledge about America. Although I really stumped him when I asked what George Bush was doing now that Ban Ki Moon is in charge of the UN/US. He couldn't figure it out and I didn't explain. Was that mean?
09 April 2007
1 Year
I have learned so much this year, about myself, about culture and life overseas, about reaching out to people who are in need. It feels like I've been here forever and at the same time it's like time is flying by. I hope that I haven't weirded anyone out with my strange experiences and gross pictures. Thank you to all of you who have been keeping up with what's going on over here in the Sandbox and for thinking about me.
We had already cooked the ham and stuff and at 6 did a little service. By the time we were ready to eat it was dark. We lit about 15 candles and had a candlight dinner, although can I just say that candlelight dinners don't really work out all that well without some kind of soft backlighting. Just imagine trying to mash potatoes, fix a plate, eat, clean up leftovers, rearrange the fridge to fit the leftovers, etc in the dark. It guess. We had to leave dishes all over the kitchen since we couldn't see to clean them and then sat and stared at each other for a few hours. What else can you do in the dark? Eventually after they messed with the generator for a while it finally started and we had lights and fans, but that was about 10 and it was time to go to bed. At some point the power came back on in the night.
So I guess Easter wasn't really all that exciting, but it's amazing how the simplicity of life over here really helps us to focus on the real reason for celebrating.
07 April 2007
03 April 2007
The Stationery Store
01 April 2007
Are You Calling Me Crazy?!?!?
We stopped at a little shop and got some water. As we were trying to count out the change to pay for it this hand all the sudden appears and tries to take the money right out of my hand. I knew we had drawn quite a crowd but didn't think someone would actually try to take the equivalent of pennies out of my hand. I looked up to see this really tall guy in a felt cowboy hat reaching. I of course said (all this in Arabic) 'No' and he replies 'but you're white. You owe me money'. 'Why do I owe you money?' 'Because you're white and you have it. I'm poor and you should give me some.' So I just said 'I'm poor too'. 'My name is John Michael. What is yours?' 'I just said 'thank you'. At this point my friend chimes in with 'we're working and so we can't give out any money. Those are the rules.' Then he comes back yelling 'you think I'm crazy?!?!?'.
Talk about causing a scene. Obviously he was a little crazy and, judging from the crowd's response of absolute laughter, they already knew it and were just hanging around to see what the white girls would do. At this point he turns around and actually goes crazy, yelling into the crowd something about westerners and how we are all that is evil in the world. Meanwhile my friend and I hightail it out the 'back door' thinking it might be best to leave before we caused even more of a scene. He tried to follow us but some men stepped in and wouldn't let him.
What's really funny is that, in Arabic, the word for rules and the word for crazy aren't really that close. My friend is fluent in Arabic and she said the right word for rules so we're not really sure where he got crazy from except that he already was crazy and was just hearing things.
So that's our encounter with John Michael. Too bad his name wasn't Michael Bolton....or Michael Jackson!!! If I was going to make up a fake name I would have at least picked a good one!