09 October 2008

Notre Dame

I went to the Notre Dame cathedral yesterday...or the day before. I can't remember.

It was really tall and pretty much the same as it looks in the movies. The front door was really cool. Of course, that's the door that you don't use.
This is the cathedral from the back side. They have some pretty gardens but the cathedral is just huge. If you look on the left side you can see the gargoyles sticking out from the building...not quite as menacing as Disney has made them out to be, but still cool.
It really was beautiful. There were, of course, tons of people there. This guy got quite a bit of attention. He was feeding pigeons and had them sitting all over him, even on his head. He didn't have a hat for people to put money into so I'm guessing that it wasn't a performance and was just what he was doing. You never know what kind of crazy people you will find!

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