14 July 2008

Cold, Wet and Loving It!!!

So I may have made my last visit to the camp, I'm not really sure. Either way it was a pretty emotional day. Of course just the thought that I will more than likely never see these women again got mecrying, and then when my friends were crying too I just cried more. It really meant so much though. They have been so sweet to me and I know that they care but I didn't expect any tears...they have really touched my heart but I didn't realize how much I had touched theirs.

Here's just a few random pictures from what could become my last day out there.

Wearing his Dad's hat to go to the mosque for afternoon prayers.
Plenty of coffee (and kids) to go around.
These two are just so beautiful.
Y'all please just be thinking about us alot. Some of my friends are staying over at my house for a few days until we have a feel for what's going on. It was so great. Last night it rained and we just sat out on the balcony until 1am. It was probable 80 degrees but we were soaking wet and the wind was blowing so we were cold...you don't get much of that around the Sandbox and we take advantage whenever we can. We were cold, wet and loving every minute of it. Who cares what the neighbors think!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've been in my thoughts a lot lately with the recent developments and also with the end of your time there. I have really enjoyed keeping up with everything over there through your writing for the last couple of years. I fear now I will no longer have a personal connection with the real story, the 'inside scoop'. I wish you well on whatever comes next and I hope you post to this blog occasionally.