26 July 2008

More Goodbye's

I went to Mary's house a few days ago. Remember that gross flour/paste drink that I avoided drinking by pouring it into my water bottle a few months ago? Well we had some more of that. Since I had dysentery in June my stomach just hasn't been the same. I've been trying to avoid certain things that I know will upset it and she was worried that I'm not eating. Apparently this madeeda drink is especially for people who are sick so, being the very sweet woman that she is, she made me some. I actually drank it this time and it wasn't so bad, I think maybe because it was warm this time and last time it was just lukewarm.

Annyways, then her friend came over with a bag of leaves. We pulled the leaves off the stems, snacked on a few of them, then rubbed the leaves between our fingers until they became more like a paste than leaves. That was an odd experience.
Then we drank tea and coffee and I played with the kids. We were tickling each other and they were really cute.
Just another typical day in my African life that will soon be coming to an end.

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