26 May 2008

More Goat Stuff

Today we clipped a lot of goat hooves and when I say we I mean someone else did it while I played with and took pictures of little kids.
Here are some boys and of course what picture is not complete without some sort of gang signs. I'm pretty certain these kids don't mean anything by it except for that the pictures that they see from the States include rappers who are usually doing something similar and that's the image that these kids have of cool.
This one is a little young for gang signs but he insisted on wearing his hat backwards.

While my friends were clipping the hooves all the little boys wanted to help so they got to hold the goats down. When the girls saw that things were calm they wanted to get in on the action too, but what do you get when little girls jump into the picture?
Here they are braiding the goats fur...
...and here they are dancing around, getting the goats all excited and making it basically impossible to trim their hooves.

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