17 May 2007

Wait! Wait!

We're undertaking a major project at our new house and today I had to go to the souq and get a lot of metal poles. I've been to this one guy a few times and he's really nice so I figured I would use him to make the poles since I don't know of anyone else. I had already been to his shop twice today for random things. Then I had to go to another NGO to pick up the sample pole and go back to his shop. Our conversation went like this (all in Arabic, of course):

'Hi. I need 15 poles made exactly like this one (I show him the one I brought with me)'
'ok, I can do that before tomorrow'
'wow, that's quick'
'yup, what kind of metal do you need?'
'the same kind that this one is and I need it to be exactly the same heighth and with all these little loopy things on it' (like I know the names of different kinds of metal or loopy things in English, much less Arabic!)
'do you want a strong one or a weak one?'
'the same kind that this one is'
'well that one is strong. Do you want strong or weak?'
'I guess I want strong'
'no, you should feel the strong'
so he pulls out a 6 meter pole for me to pick up
'I think I want the strong'
'no you have to feel the weak one too'
so he pulls out a 6 meter pole for me to pick up
'I definitely want that one, the strong one'
'How long do you need it to be'
'as long as this one is'
'well how long is that one?'
'I don't know. Can you measure it?' (he measures)
'ok. so how many meters do you need?'
'However many makes 15 poles' (he pulls out the calculator)
'ok, that will be 215 pounds'
'ok, I'll be back tomorrow to pick it up. Thanks, see ya later'
'Wait! Wait! do you want strong or weak?'
'I want strong'
'are you sure? feel those two and be sure of the one you want'
'I already felt them. I want the strong'
'ok, ok. I thought you wanted weak. That will be more expensive, 240 pounds'
'ok, 240. I'll be back tomorrow'
'Wait! Wait! How many do you need?'
'15. I said that'
'Oh yah. And how long do you need each one?'
'exactly the same as the one I brought and am leaving with you. You measured 1 1/4 meters'
'oh, oh yah. Ok. And you wanted strong or weak?'
'Strong, definitely strong. Anything else?'
'you want to feel the strong one?'
'I already felt. Anything else?'
'No, they will be ready tomorrow, insha'allah'
'Thank you. See you tomorrow'
'Wait! Wait! Do you also need all of these little hooks and welding on your poles?'
'Yes, like I said, I need my poles to be exactly the same as this one. Strong, 1 1/4 meters long, and with loopy things and weird bottom part. Can you make it like that by tomorrow?'
'of course. Now did you want strong or weak?'
'STRONG!! I want strong and exactly, everything the same as this one I am leaving you!!'
'ok, I will make them before tomorrow'.
'ok, I will call you at 8am tomorrow to see if they are ready'

What's strange is that he really wasn't trying to rip me off, his price quote was still below what we had been told by a local to pay, he was just slow and couldn't seem to catch on to the fact that I wanted my poles to be EXACTLY the same as the one I had brought him.
No wonder it takes me all day to get only one or two things done!!


Anonymous said...

yikes! Thanks for my laugh for today. BTW, your new place looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

woman, you are great at what you do! remember that! love you!