06 March 2007

Our New Pet

This is a picture of our new pet. Actually, it's not, I pretty much hate this thing but it apparently is living in our hoosh now (the little gated in area downstairs that isn't really a yard, it's more like a downstairs balcony without the whole balcony part). Anyways, our neighbors brought him home on Saturday afternoon and said that they were going to kill it Sunday morning, they are celebrating something although I'm not sure what. That's cool. I mean, he's welcome to stay the night. Sunday morning came and went, and then Monday morning came and went. Monday afternoon my roommate (who is an extreme animal lover) went down and took the sheep some vegetables to eat because she was worried that he might be hungry. I told her that his fate had already been decided and that he had sheep food to eat so he probably didn't need real food, but she insisted. This morning (Tuesday) she was talking about going downstairs and cleaning out his water bowl to be sure that he had some clean water to drink. Are they ever going to slaughter this thing? I mean, it's ok if you want to keep him overnight but we're going on 4 days now. The thing smells and I think he's pretty much posessed, if not then he's really really weird. He doesn't say 'baaaa' like a normal sheep. He says 'baeuaauagh', kind of like a game show buzzer only a little more disturbing. When I come in the front gate he gets up and comes towards me and like he's coming after me or something, all the while making that terrible buzzer noise. It's really kind of freaky, especially in the dark. Good thing he's tied up.

Last night the 2 yr old next door (who is terrified of this thing) asked me if I knew the lamp. I wasn't really sure what she meant by 'lamp' so she made this terrible 'baeuaaugh' sound and I knew exactly what she was talking about. She's going to grow up thinking that sheep aren't white and fluffy and that they don't say 'baaa' real cute. She will always remember this terrible thing that stayed in our hoosh forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I took my borther's camera with me (mine has flown away never to return) for the sole purpose of taking another pic of James and I...it sat in my car and I completely forgot :-( Don't worry though, I should be seeing him again on Saturday so we'll get it then...hopefully.

Sorry about that horrid sheep!!