01 January 2007

Happy Threefold Holiday

So today's holiday is threefold for us. It's New Year's Day, the last day of the A9ed and my country's Independence Day, although people have made it a point to say that they are NOT celebrating Independence Day b/c they are disgusted with the current regime and have nothing to celebrate.

Even though I live here, it's still hard to imagine living in a country where you don't even have any desire to celebrate your Independence Day. At least in the States, if you aren't happy with the current govt you can know that at least some people voted for them and you can look forward to the next election where changes will be made...oh the things that you don't even know you should be thankful for.

With so many unhappy people we deal with lots of rumors around here about govt things. Today's rumor, actually printed in the newspaper, was that the top 10 govt officials would be assassinated today. So we all stayed home just in case but we're figuring that since it's so quiet outside it probably didn't happen. What I'd like to know is who is the bright person who decided that they would publish, in the newspaper, their coup attempt? Does it really make any sense to announce to the entire country that you're going to attempt to overthrow the govt? Do they think that the current ruling party is just going to sit back and wait to be assassinated? I just don't get this logic.

So happy threefold holiday!

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