After 36 hours of traveling and only airplane sleep the vacation is officially over and I'm now back in the Sandbox. I had a wonderful trip and, honestly, wasn't all that excited about heading back but I have to say that I definitely feel like I'm at home.
I think I've posted about the word that we have in Arabic 'insha'allah' which basically means either 'if God wills' or it can be a polite way to say no. Last night on the flight home our pilot came on the intercom for the standard pre-flight introduction and actually said 'we'll be flying over Ryd and then Jdah and then we'll arrive in K-town insha'allah.' Can a pilot actually say that we'll only arrive at our destination if God wills it???? We were the only white people on the plane and actually some of the only women, but we held our own and arrived at home successfully. Guess we should be thankful that God willed us to get there!
Happy Thanksgiving!