29 May 2006
My apartment...aka...the oven
We're supposed to have a generator at our apartment....we don't, which hasn't been a problem until yesterday. I woke up about 8:30 to the sound of the fan turning off which meant the power was out. So I got up, had some granola for breakfast, and waited....and waited....and waited. The cleaning lady came and left and still, I waited. The plumber came and left, came and left again, and still...I waited. I figured I'd do some dishes while I waited, much to my dismay, when we have no power, we have no water, and so it was back to the couch to wait some more. Around 4, we had a national friend come over, but she didn't stay long, I guess it was a little warm for her. Finally around 5, the power came back on and about 6 the water came back on. While we were just sitting around all day, we kept track of how warm it was inside our apartment. The kitchen topped out at 106, my room at 103 and the living room at 101. Needless to say, we were a little warm. With the power back on, we were happy for a few hours...until it was time for bed. I went to turn on the cooler and it didn't exactly work. Pretty much my room was 97 degrees all night long. As I laid there, sweating, I just looked forward to today when I could come to work and turn on the air conditioner in my office. Sadly though, the electricity is off at the office. Outside my window I have a great view of the power lines on the ground surrounded by a crowd of people who think it's fun to look at. There's a really tall, sad-looking, 3 story ladder that is leaned against the pole from which the power lines fell. What's great is that there's 3 guys at the top of the ladder leaning against the pole that wasn't so stable in the first place. So while I can't do any real work b/c there's no power, I do have some quality entertainment outside the window.
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